Sustainable Business Life

Equal Opportunity
As YM Idis, we aim to create a happy and successful working environment in which no social role and perception, especially gender, will prevent equality. In this respect;
• Our employees are recruited, selected and promoted on the basis of objective, non-discriminatory criteria.
• We ensure the health, safety and welfare of our employees regardless of gender,
• We especially support women's participation in the workforce,
• We act based on an equal wage policy for equal job,
• We create job environments and practices that maintain the balance of business-family life.
Diversification and Comprehensiveness
As YM Idis, we are a company operating in different cultures and geographies, always aiming for better together with its stakeholders. We add value to the future with all our colors that our diversity adds to us. We learn from each other and develop together in a comprehensive culture. We believe that equality of opportunity is fundamental on the path to a fair, happy and successful future. We consider our diverse and competent colleagues as our most important strength; we aim to create a comprehensive culture for individuals to participate in business life and realize their potential.
Competitive Power

Career Advancement:
We practice to a high degree “promotion from within” at department level and Company-wide, taking account of both meeting job requirements and preferred profile, and individual ambition in future career prospects.
Education & Training
The company’s Education & Training policy is based on the view that the knowledge, attitude and skills of our employees are among the most important assets to realize our ambition. As a consequence, Education & Training is an essential part of our HRM policy. We provide internal training, external training, mentoring, training on the job and ample opportunities to interact with our clients and partners.
Performance Management and Career Improvement
As YM Idis, we act on the basis of "focus on humans". In line with the predefined criteria in the performance assessment, we take as the basis the measuring the job performance of the employees; and measuring employee behaviors in the assessment of competence. We provide performance management and career and backup plans and offer equal job opportunities to all our employees; and we see lifelong learning as part of this process. Meeting place: We use training programs to create meeting places for exchange of experience and networks for managers and engineers from different departments, disciplines and backgrounds, and to offer opportunities for benchmarking to the outside world.
Compensation & Benefits
The Company’s Compensation & Benefits policy is based on the view that fair remuneration packages including performance-related pay, matching with individual needs and local practice, contribute to the motivation of our employees. We support diversity but where appropriate, we stimulate common remuneration practices in the organization.

We foster target setting, for individual and team performance with periodical reviews.
We encourage individual and team performance by practicing open and motivating appraisal procedures.
We use objective procedures for job ranking (internal equity) and check systematically market conformity in relevant labor markets (external equity).
Hybrid Working Model
We prioritize the well-being and work-life balance of our employees by implementing a Hybrid Working Model tailored to the needs of today's business world. This model supports our teams to work efficiently and flexibly.